In the past, it probably would have been fair to say that external detection was something of an add-on. It was typically used for switching other systems, or for adding a pre-emptive layer of security at some sites. However, the changing profile of criminal activity has thrown the spotlight onto external sensing.
The increase in interest regarding external detection is very understandable. Crime trends have changed, and many sites are looking to protect assets in outside areas. With the rise in the theft of metals, construction materials and plant, agricultural materials and livestock, and items of site infrastructure, an early warning system for intrusion is increasingly desired by many end users.
However, it’s not just those sites that have assets stored externally that are increasingly looking towards the technology. Many end users simply do not want to wait until an intruder has gained access to a building before an alarm is raised! Because external detection can create a layer of protection directly from the perimeter, the onus is on detecting intrusion before any damage is caused to the building’s fabric
i Security have years of experience in this outdoor detection, which allows our customers to receive fewer fans activations from animals, birds and wind.
we can utilise the outdoor sensors to send a message to your phone or turn on your outside lights.
Some of the systems we can provide include.
Dual Beams
Dual beams operate point to point spanning a given distance. As you enter into the detection path, you need to break through both beams simultaneously to cause an alarm, by adjusting the beams you can prevent false alarms from birds and animals.
Quad PIR
PIR detectors are designes to look for infra-red heat sources, with quad sensors which require 2 sensors to activate simultaniously to trigger an alarm, thus limiting false alarms in a given area.